For at komme ind og se på den slægtsgren som du er rundet af skal du gå op i huset og vælge den gren du ønsker.Jeg har valgt at alle data på nulevende er tilgængelige indtil 1.december 2016, hvorefter de fortsat står i systemet men ikke synlige for andre end admistrator. Da det er ønskeligt, at så mange oplysninger bliver lagt ind i systemet til brug for eftertiden bedes I derfor gerne oplyse de manglende data til administrator på nedennævnte mailadresse. Skulle der være nogen af jer som ikke ønsker at være synlige her og nu bedes I venligst give mig besked, hvorefter jeg vil sørge for I ikke er synlige. Du skal vide, at du ikke kan arbejde på siden kun læse - men siden bliver løbende opdateret med de oplysninger som vi har, men endnu ikke fået lagt ind på siden. Vi er godt bevidste om, at vi fra starten ikke har alle oplysninger, men da vi gerne vil have, at alle data er mest muligt fyldestgørende, vil vi derfor gerne bede om din hjælp. Når du gerne vil have noget opdateret og/eller rettet bedes du sende mig, dine nye oplysninger på en mail til administrator på, , hvorefter dine oplysninger bliver opdateret. Ligeledes skulle du være i tvivl om noget er du velkommen til at sende administrator en mail til og bede om hjælp. Jeg har p.t. valgt, at det kun er mig som opretter af hjemmesiden der kan opdatere.
Not. 27.marts 2016 af administrator Arne Damsted Rasmussen
The danish text translated to American English:
This electronic version is a continuation of the four current Danish genealogy books - subgenus 4 Gjøde in Søndersø Skov, subgenus 6 Hans in Gerskov, subgenus 7 Marius in Bullerup and subgenus 8 Knud in Pomosa and in addition the American subgenus 2 David and the lately added subgenus 1 Niels.
Niels was the first-born child of Mads Nielsen and Gertrud Cathrine Davidsdatters. He was married but had no children of his own. He adopted a son who didn’t either have any biological children, but also made use of adoption. To use the words of Niels Damsted, the son of Knud Damsted, there isn’t much Damsted blood in these veins. Therefore information on subgenus 1 stops with his adoptive son. However should new information emerge, the Damsted genealogy association will take this into consideration and decide whether or not it should be listed under subgenus 1.
There was also a third son called Jens Peder who was mentally retarded and spend most of his final years living with his brother Hans in Gerskov. A subgenus 3 has been established and only contains information about Jens Peder, since he never started a family of his own. Additionally there was a sister called Gjertrud Marie who was number five in the line of siblings and only lived to be 5 years of age. Information about her is listed under subgenus 5.
Information about Mads Nielsen and his Danish wife Gjertrud Cathrine is to be found under subgenus 6.
To enter the subgenus from which you descend click on the house icon and choose the specific subgenus. I have decided that all data on living persons are available until the 1st of December 2016. After this date they will remain in the system but only be visible to the administrator of the website. Since it is preferable to add as much information as possible, I will kindly ask you to help provide missing data by sending it to the administrator at the email listed below. Should there be any of you who do not want to be visible please let me know and I will then make sure that you are not visible.
You should know that you aren’t able to edit or make any changes to the content of the website. The website will be regularly updated.
We are aware that the current data is not entirely adequate and up to date, which is why we would like to ask for your help. If you have something you would like to add or edit please send me an email with your additional information and I will add it to the website. My email is: If you need help or have any further questions you are welcome to contact me. So far I have decided that I, as administrator of the website, am the only one that can make changes on the site.
March 27 2016 by administrator Arne Damsted.
Descendants of Mads Nielsen |
Statistics — Slægtsgren nr. 5 - Gjertrud Marie |
This family tree was last updated on March 5, 2016.
Most common surnames
Damsted, Davidsdatter, Nielsen
Slægtsgren nr. 5 - Gjertrud Marie |
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News |
Slægtsforeningen Damsted har den 9. februar 2016 købt Landbohistorisk Selskabs restlager af Margit Egdals bog kaldet slægtskrønike - Mads Nielsen, David og Mette Marie i Guds eget land. Bogen kan indtil videre købes af slægtsforeningen for kr. 100,- ved at sende en mail til med ønske om køb og om bogen skal sendes eller afhentes. Ved forsendelse bliver der ligeledes beregnet porto. Not. af Arne Damsted Rasmussen den 12. februar 2016