This text is in both Danish and English - look below:
Under seneste slægtstræf i Otterup den 5. oktober 2019 blev besluttet, at vi i 2022 ville forsøge at arrangere endnu et slægtstræf med deltagelse fra både Danmark og udlandet. For at få kontakt til så mange som muligt er Karima og Arne gået sammen for at etablere en Facebook gruppe. og sende invitationer rundt. Gruppens navn er Damsted slaegten og er begyndt at sende invitationer rundt den 24. august 2020. Da vi ikke har kontakt til alle vil vi derfor gerne bede om din hjælp til at sende invitationerne videre til dit netværk i familien/slægten Damsted.
During the most recent family reunion in Otterup on 5 October 2019, it was decided that in 2022 we would try to arrange another family reunion with participation from both Denmark and abroad.To get in touch with as many people as possible Karima and Arne have joined forces to establish a Facebook group. and send invitations around. The group's name is damsted slaegtengenus and has begun to send invitations around 24 August 2020. Since we do not have contact with all we therefore ask for your help to send invitation on to your network of family / genus Damsted.